His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians made a short visit to UK to meet with the Parish Councils and discuss the future of the United Kingdom and Ireland Dioceses. St Yeghiche Armenian Church Parish Council representatives Viken Haladjian and Keghvart Vartanian together with Very Rev Fr Aren Shaheenian attended this meeting which was arranged by HG Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian. The meeting was held on 21st January 2015 at HAY DOON to discuss various subjects relevant to the future of the UK Diocese and the various parishes within its jurisdiction. All churches, in UK and Ireland attended the meeting and His Holiness gave his fatherly advice and blessed all present members for their dedication to the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church and wished them all the success in their endeavour to make the transition a smooth one.